TealPaint User's Manual

By Vince Lee
Last Updated: Jun 30, 1997


Thank you for trying TealPaint. This is full-featured paint and sketch program with an easy-to-use interface.

TealPaint offers a host of easily-accesible features, including:


This archive contains the files:
This Doc in text format
This Doc in HTML format
The TealPaint program file
Database-to-Bmp converter program
TealPoint Registration form in HTML format
TealPoint Registration form in text format
Use the Pilot application installer to install the program file TEALPNT.PRC.

Using the Program

TealPaint's intuitive interface is largely self-explanatory. It consists of two main interface screens, the drawing page and the index page.

On the index page, the images stored in the database are shown as small dithered thumbnail representations, and are accompanied by optional descriptive text. Up to four images in the list can be shown at any one time, with the rest accessible by the up and down scroll buttons. To create an image, click on the New button. To view or modify an image, click on its thumbnail representation to go to the drawing page. To delete, sort, or replicate an image, select it by clicking in its descriptive text and choosing an appropriate item from the Edit menu.

The drawing page provides an interface for creating or modifying images. At the top of the display is is the viewing window which shows the current image. If the image is larger than the display area, the pilot up/down scroll buttons may be used to access the rest of the image.

At the bottom of the display are the drawing tools and options. On the left hand side are three selection buttons, all of which show the current item and bring up a popup window of choices when pressed. The first of these is the tool button, which allows selection of the current drawing tool. These include various line, freeform, and shape tools, along with a text tool, selector tool, and paint can tool. The second button is the pattern selector which selects the current pattern or color (black or white) used by the current tool. The last button is the brush selector, which determines the pen tip shape used by the current drawing tool.

Two final buttons appear on the drawing screen: Undo and Done. The Undo button reverts the image back to before its last change. Pressing it twice undoes the last Undo, reinstating the image to the way it was before. The Done button saves all changes and returns to the index page.

Special Functions

Screen Grab

The Grab Screen menu item is available on the index page. The Screen Grabber can capture the screen image from most any program and import it into TealPaint as an editable image record. This is particularly useful for, say, importing images drawn in other drawing programs.

To use it, select Grab Screen from the Edit menu and choose an elapsed time. Then, switch applications to the one you wish to grab and wait. When the elapsed time passes, an alert will appear informing you that the image has been capture. When you return to TealPaint, the image will appear as a new record in your image list.

Text Tool

The Text tool allow entry of text onto an image. To use it, select the text item ("T") using the popup tool button, click on the display area at the location to type text, and enter text and numbers using Graffiti. To change fonts, use the Set Text Font item from the Options menu.

Selector Tool

To use the selector tool, activate it and drag the pen diagonally across the drawing surface to highlight a rectangular region. Then, click and drag within the highlighted region to move the selected pixels to another location on the screen.


When the selector tool is active, the Copy and Paste menu items are available. The Copy item saves the current selected area to a temporary buffer. The Paste menu, in turn, draws the current contents of the temporary buffer into the selected area. If no area is selected, the Paste menu will draw into the upper left corner of the display. The Copy and Paste menus can be used to duplicate regions of an image or copy pixels from one image to another.

Abandon Changes

The Abandon Changes menu item returns one to the List Page without saving any changes made to the image since entering the Drawing Page or the last page scroll.


When using OS 1.0, the Graffiti state (Caps) indicator overwrites the left-hand side of the Undo button on the menu screen due to the older, large Caps symbol. This does not affect the functionality of the program.

Using PicUtil

When you hotsync your pilot, the most current TealPaint image database is stored on the PC in a directory called BACKUP\, which resides in a directory named after your User ID. This file is called TEALPICS.PDB.

Use PICUTIL.EXE on a PC to convert images from a TealPaint database into two-color .BMP bitmap files, which can be saved, manipulated, or printed from PC programs like the program Paint included with Windows95

Contact Info

TealPaint is By Vince Lee, TealPoint Software
(c) 1997 All Rights Reserved.
TealPoint Software
454 Las Gallinas Ave, Suite #318
San Rafael, CA 94903-3618
We look forward to hearing from you.

Please visit us at www.tealpoint.com, or
email us at contact@tealpoint.com.

Thank you.


We at TealPoint Software are committed to providing quality, easy-to-use software. However, this product is provided without warranty and the user accepts full resposibility for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.

This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete, unmodified form with no additional files and for noncommercial purposes only. Any other use must have prior written authorization from TealPoint Software.

Unauthorized commercial use includes, but is not limited to:

  1. A product for sale.
  2. Accompanying a product for sale.
  3. Accompanying a magazine, book or other publication for sale.
  4. Distribution with "Media", "Copying" or other incidental costs.
  5. Available for download with access or download fees.
This program may be used on a trial basis for 30 days. The program will continue to function afterwards. However, if after this time you wish to continue using it, please register with us for the nominal fee listed in the program. Thank you.